Remar Family Photos and Videos

Preserving Magic Moments
Welcome to the redesigned Remar Family website. The purpose has switched with the creation of the family tree, a project that I started a year or so ago after my cousin Ray Vodicka passed away. Ray had many old photos of the family that cousin Tim Yambor and I got a hold of and having the same great grandparents we undertook the challenge. Tim took the Yambor branch and I did the Remar branch. The project took way longer than I had anticipated, but with help from a lot of you I hope you enjoy it. The Family Tree tab has links to the tree as well as some links to picture albums that I created from many of the photos used as well as many that I found doing all the research. The pictures in the albums are not in any order or the people identified. If you have any you would like included just send them to me and I will add them. There is also links to some interesting documents and videos. If you see any errors or changes that need to be made, I apologize and please let me know about them and I will correct them.
The other tabs are pretty much directed at our family pictures and videos. There are quite a few of them and also not organized real well.